Greater London Authority - Infrastructure Coordination

We worked with the Greater London Authority between 2019 and 2021 to develop initiatives for the evolution of London’s infrastructure.

Our principal role was to develop a new infrastructure coordination service, offered by local authorities to developers. Together with the GLA, we designed and developed the scheme from scratch, taking advice from local authorities, developers and infrastructure asset owners to ensure the service meets their needs.

The service is set up to facilitate a developer’s engagement with infrastructure asset owners from pre-planning to construction. It will help development stitch neatly into local infrastructure networks by seeking opportunities for collaborative work between neighbouring developments and targeting complementary infrastructure improvements that give maximum benefit to local communities.

We have also supported the GLA’s wider infrastructure agenda, thinking about how to prepare for London’s growth and make sure the benefits of investment are maximised, giving biodiversity net-gain and creating places for people.


Meridian Water, Enfield - Station Public Realm